Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Amber: The Superstar!

How long has it been since I've update?? I have no idea! At lease a month, maybe more. I really need to start updating this regularly, I mean thats the whole reason I started writing it in the first place right? To keep people updated on the horses?

Anyway... Amber is doing FANTASTCI! We had our second show on Sunday, and got RESERVE CHAMPION!! I rode Amber in the Beginner Equitation division, which included a walk/trot class, a walk/trot/canter class, and 2 classes over crossrails! Well we got 3rd in walk/trot out of 6 people, very nice! We got 1st in walk/trot/canter out of 5 people! I was shocked about that one! It was Ambers first walk/trot/canter class ever!! And her canter still needs some work! I'm still in shock over how well she went!!! We got 1st in the first jumping class, she was a star, and 3rd in the second jumping class, and I think that was because she pretty much took off over the 3rd jump and I didnt get her slowed down till right before the 4th one, it was quite sloppy!

Unfortunately some people get mad at other peoples success, Apparently an old not so friend of mine was complaining when Amber and I placed first in the walk/trot/canter class, that we were "too close behind her rider" (obviously the judge didnt think so, hehe) and we "Had the wrong lead" (we picked up the wrong lead for about 2 strides and then fixed it) and we "Kept breaking stride" (once again, yes we did, once for about 3 or 4 strides because the horse in front of us cantered about 1/2 as fast as Amber and we had no where else to go)

It amuses me when people can't just be happy with how everyone did, they have to gripe and complain about every little thing! But a good friend of mine, who was sitting next to this person asked her to please be quiet and mentioned that obviously the judge hadn't noticed any of the "horrible" things I did because she placed us first!! That just made my day!!

But anyway! I couldn't be happier with how well Amber did, and with how the day turned out! It was amazing! She is Amazing!! Our next show will be on November 21, I am so excited! But I will update long before that! I promise! hehe!

Now for some pictures from the show!

1 comment:

  1. Yes and we need pictures from the crossrail classes too!!!! I will be seeing you two down here at Rolex next year right?
